született: 23. 10. 1984; Leicester, Anglia, VB
- 173 cm magas
- 6 évesen költözött át Angliából Austráliába
-van 1 occse és egy bátyja
- gitározik
The Loved Ones (2009) (pp) .... Sac
Birthday (2008) (pp) .... Joey
Clubland (2007) .... Mark
48 Shades (2006) .... Dan
Debut (2006) .... Jerry
The Proposition (2005) .... Mike Burns
Deck Dogz (2005) .... Robert 'Poker' Benardi
"Out There" (2003) .... Miller McKee
"All Saints" .... Adam Finch:
5x40 - Consuming Passions (2002)
5x37 - You Should've Said (2002)
5x36 - Big Kids (2002)
5x30 - The Untouchables (2002)
5x28 - An Itch to Scratch (2002)
5x26 - Due Diligence (2002)
5x24 - First Steps (2002)
5x22 - M For Memory (2002)
5x21 - Personal Matters (2002)
"McLeod's Daughters" .... Sean Howard:
2x11 - Wildfire (2002)
2x03 - Desperate Measures (2002)
2x01 - The Drover's Connection (2002)
1x17- Girls Night Out (2002)
1x15 - If the Boot Fits (2001)
"Flat Chat" (2001) .... Nick Jansen
"Escape of the Artful Dodger" (2001) .... Lord Edward Tuxle